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The two women who created this site, offer it to you to because they believe in the manifestation of dreams.  We talked about that and thought it could be helpful to offer an interactive forum that addresses the kinks that come up in the manifestation process.  "Ask Allorah" was created to honor that spirit.  Future answers from "Ask Allorah" will be based on the themes stemming from your questions; as, I have noted that there tend to be trends in a group reading environment.

Please be aware that when you are working to manifest something, the process very often brings up issues that may be impeding your progress.  I'd say that from heaven's perspective, the roads to our desires offer many opportunities for growth and evolution reaching far beyond the actual focus of those desires.  In my experience, the most growth and easiest path comes to those who learn to ask the right questions.  This means watch the patterns and ask yourself, "why?"  Ask yourself what do I need to know, to learn or to change.

The greatest key I can offer is to remind you to be present and in the moment. Feel the feelings in your heart center and let those feelings inform your Being what comes next. Then your Being can inform the being you are what is needed. Your Being will inform your being via, intuition, signs, and outright co-incidences. Heed the instruction; keep having the conversation and watch your life flow.



If you would like to schedule a personal session with Allorah via telephone or in person (if you live in the Los Angeles area or plan to visit there in the future), you can do so through the Psychic Eye Book Store in Sherman Oaks, CA:

13435 Ventura Blvd.,
Sherman Oaks, CA  91423  
Tel:  818-906-8263


To receive Allorah's Insights by email weekly, sign up here:

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One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes... and the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility.
- Eleanor Roosevelt



November 22, 2010

Hi Allorah,

How are you? I am on my trip and things have not been going well. The time difference makes it hard for me to call you for a reading. 

Morocco has been hard. I have not been enjoying myself and everyday I feel like I am a little bit more powerless. I got groped by a shopkeeper. A friend's friend (a local) was somewhat inappropriate w me. But even beyond that, asserting my will has not been easy here. Now I am unable to go to India because I cannot get a visa. I have canceled 2 of my tickets (don't know if I can get a refund on them which also makes me stress about money) and made new plans.

The new plan right now, I am gonna head on to Egypt and Jordan then onward to Malaysia then Taipei to see my mom.  I feel stuck.  I don't want to head straight to Taipei to see my mom as I want to keep on traveling and working on my project.  Coming back to NYC early feels like defeat as well.  But I am not having a good time on the road at all.  It is not feeding me as it usually does instead I just feel drained.

I am starting to doubt why I am on the road and (to question) if all of the setbacks and unpleasantness are the universe telling me to quiet?!  Or if there is something that I am missing.

Please help me Allorah! Thank you so much.

Thanks again!

Dear Triple H,

I'm sorry your trip is so rough.  Trials of this sort can be very disturbing.  They cause us to question everything and often it can feel as if we have lost our way.  As much as, I loathe how these types of experiences present themselves and how painful they feel; I find that they do tend to have the effect of raising outdated or destructive patterns to the surface for clearing.  When I am presented with these types of challenges, I have to go within and reaffirm my connection to Source. 

Ultimately, the key is to honor one's own path, the path you have ordained with your Divine Source.  Remember "if God is with you, no one can stand against you."  Often we get caught up looking outside ourselves for direction and approval.  In doing so, we render ourselves at the mercy of someone or something else's blueprint.  This can cause quite a problem when that blueprint is not an energetic match for us. 

Slow down.  Let You be with you.  If you do that, the answers you need will surface.  You will allow a way to be made clear for you.  Start by trying to find something beautiful or helpful (insightful/ illuminating) in your day.  Make a point to do this daily, especially when you feel discouraged and/ or disconnected.   

We all go through these sorts of challenges.  I think this dialogue might prove useful to others, with your permission, I'd like to post it on the website. 

In the meantime, peace be with you.


Dear Readers,

After I wrote the piece we posted March 1, 2009, I was reminded that the Tarot has an interesting answer to the deprivation consciousness versus prosperity consciousness conundrum.

The suit of pentacles deals (in part) with money, the arts and physical manifestation.  The 5 of pentacles specifically addresses the energy of poverty consciousness; while the 9 of pentacles refers to the energy of prosperity consciousness.  In the traditional imagery of the Rider-Waite deck, the 5 of pentacles depicts two people passing a church window on which the stained glass images are the pentacle coins.  It is the dark of night and they are huddled together trying to get warm, dressed in rags and it is snowing on them.  In contrast, the 9 of pentacles traditionally has a well dressed woman with a hunting bird on her arm, she is serenely standing in a ripening vineyard near a plant on which coins are the "fruit", the sky is golden with the light of the sun. 

These cards are in extreme contrast to one another and they eloquently illustrate the chasm between the opposite ends of the spectrum with regard to abundance.  When I am working with someone to improve their consciousness about abundance I tell a story about the harvest using the three characters from these two cards.  The general details of that story are...

"It is the end of the month and the bills are due, but as it happens the grapes are a few days away from being ripe enough for harvest.  The woman on the 9 of pentacles approaches the challenge at hand by utilizing her other (stored) resources (a coin or two from the money plant) to fulfill her obligations in order to allow her (potential) resources (the grape plant) to come to their optimal fruitful-ness.  She does this as a way of insuring the longevity of abundance for her family including the grape and money crops.  In direct contrast, the people on the 5 of pentacles would more probably try to sell the un-ripe grapes, which nobody would buy; or, perhaps they might try to eat the un-ripe grapes to stave off the hunger of the moment.  It would never occur to them to use the other resources at hand to resolve the challenge.  They have been conditioned to believe that money does not grow on trees."
As it turns out, the grapes ripen into one the best crops in the history of the vineyard and the woman being a masterful steward provisions the harvest in a way that exponentially returns the investment of the couple of coins.  The 9 of pentacles example allows and provides for life affirming' life enhancing resolution even in times of challenge.  The 5 of pentacle example restricts the possibility and probability of change for the better.  Both examples are the result of conditioning.  The beauty is that because we are sentient beings we can choose to change our lives for the better.  This is true whether our lives are flying high or in the gutter.  Often our conditioning conditions us not to ask for growth until we are so terribly uncomfortable in our comfort zones.  We can scarcely imagine beyond what we have been accustomed to, much less introduced to.

But we can imagine.  Even a sparse imagination will eventually open us up to a life of infinite possibility.  It is often helpful to be in an attitude of  mindfulness.  In this way we are in a positive, constructive prayer that we may be, do and have more.  The challenges we are facing at this time in history are a magnificent opportunity to change are manifestations for the better, and the ever increasing best.

Take a tip from the 9 of pentacles and nurture that which sustains you.

By the by, we are all grapes, each and every one of us.  That means we deserve a chance to be fruitful.



Quite a few things have changed in the world since launched last Spring.  In honor of those changes and to provide more consistent updates, we will shift to biweekly posting of new articles and picks as of February 2009.      

The first article on the biweekly schedule will be on how the energy we mirror is reflected in our personal world.  I believe it will be posted approximately February 9, 2009.  I do not yet know the subject of second article for February but I will in time for the February 23rd posting.

While we make the transition please enjoy the 2+0+0+9 article and next weeks' article honoring the Year of the Earth Ox. 



Previously on ASK ALLORAH (LINK)


If you have a question for Allorah, you can send her an email here:






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