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"Fourteen Black Paintings"
(Peter Gabriel)

From the pain come the dream
From the dream come the vision
From the vision come the people
From the people come the power
From this power come the change


Your Message is

We do not read, forward or post your private message anytime, anywhere, ever - we only symbolically "deliver" it to the universe and let it find its own way to your intended destination!


If you have any suggestions or recommendations to make this site better, please let us know!





Great are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force, that thoughts rule the world
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world.
- Buddha



Putting our thoughts, intentions and gratitude into written form and releasing them into the metaphysical universe often helps us to manifest them into this physical reality.   These rituals help us to find clarity of thought, provide an outlet to release emotional baggage or express gratitude for life’s gifts and good fortune.

This website is designed for you to put your own personal message out to the Universe in written form —whether they be prayers, intentions, desires, affirmations, gratitude, rants & raves or even confessions—confidentially, privately, safely and FREE.  You can then symbolically “deliver” it to the Universe - however your faith identifies a higher power— to your own personal God. 


Here’s how it works:

  1. Go to the SEND A MESSAGE page.

  2. Select the Message Type (prayer, manifestation/desire, intention, affirmation, thanks, confession or rant & rave).

  3. Type in or cut & paste from a word processing program your Message in the Message Box.

  4. Hit “Send”  when you’re ready to release your Message.

  5. Post your gratitude (for whatever you might be thankful for) on the GRATITUDE BOARD.  Please respect that is a GRATITUDE board, and we WILL delete any postings that are offensive, inappropriate, solicitations or otherwise don’t belong there!

  6. Relax and enjoy this beautiful life, knowing that your prayer, thought, desire, intent, affirmation, gratitude, confession or rant & rave has been delivered.  Confidentially and privately.


Copyright 2008 - Hold That Prayer!